Blue Collar Elite

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Job Applicants - Now Hiring Plumbers, HVAC/R Installers and Technicians In Your Area


Blue Collar Elite (BCE) connects job applicants with top notch employers.

Are you a plumber, HVAC/R installer, or technician and you've tried job boards?  Career Sites?  Staffing Agencies?  Direct company inquiries?  Don't worry.  Blue Collar Elite was designed for this generation - to get you hired.  Forget about resumes!

Create your profile one time and update it as is needed.  See who's actually hiring in your area based on your expertise and qualifications.  You don't have to monitor it daily (unless you want to). If there's a match, we'll notify you.  Login within 72 hours of notification so your profile stays active.

We're putting our best foot forward representing you.  We expect you to do the same.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to speak to a BCE Ambassador.  We're here to help you!



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